Author Topic: what do you know about CentOS vs Ubuntu  (Read 3459 times)


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what do you know about CentOS vs Ubuntu
« on: June 13, 2021, 05:04:32 PM »
CentOS is a Red Hat Enterprise Linux-based (RHEL). RHEL has become a stable and reliable Linux distribution that will deploy in most corporate IT worlds. That is a commercial product the
at comes with paid support. Close similarity to RHEL, CentOS will give you the option to developing, and making it a safe choice for every user. Thanks to its corporate-level security update feature.

On the contrary, Ubuntu is one of the most straight-forward Linux VPS operating systems based on Debian architecture. Its first release was in 2004 as a Debian fork. While Linux is known for its knotty commands, Ubuntu is the world’s most popular Linux operating system and one of the simplest distributions of Linux. It offers a lot of pre–installed apps and is known for its regular updates and cutting-edge features. It has strong community support and extends tutorials but is more vulnerable to web threats due to regular updates.

Most web servers run on either the Ubuntu or CentOS operating system. Comparing CentOS vs Ubuntu, CentOS is less vulnerable to cyber-attacks, but it’s not user-friendly and doesn’t usually get lots of technological support. CentOS provides the most compatibility with a variety of management panels required for web management hosting.