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VPS Web Hosting => General VPS Hosting Discussion => Topic started by: Ferolli on March 23, 2016, 07:00:42 AM

Title: In search of reliable VPS host in US - budget is $20/mo
Post by: Ferolli on March 23, 2016, 07:00:42 AM
What reliable and honest VPS hosting providers in USA do you know?
Thinking to choose the one that will provide me with good uptime and fast speed connectivity.
==> 30 gbs of space, 2 gbs of ram, Linux - budget is $20/mo
What host is better from your views: or They both look to be good for my needs. Any help please?
Title: Re: In search of reliable VPS host in US - budget is $20/mo
Post by: Salviat on March 24, 2016, 04:14:56 AM
I have noticed would be best option to get server solutions. Servers are affordable ans they work perfectly. Support is skilled and responsive.
Title: Re: In search of reliable VPS host in US - budget is $20/mo
Post by: GJRock on March 29, 2016, 07:21:47 AM
I started with about two years ago. They were quite friendly and helpful in getting my website transferred over to them.
I have had some technical question and I have always received answers promptly. Their support staff is US-based which is a help as far as I'm concerned.

Title: Re: In search of reliable VPS host in US - budget is $20/mo
Post by: Weigan on March 30, 2016, 06:21:00 AM
 I'd like to say is perfect vps host with highest performance. They have reasonable pricing, knowledgeable support and quality customer care.
Title: Re: In search of reliable VPS host in US - budget is $20/mo
Post by: Toskanik on April 01, 2016, 07:38:45 AM
I'm pleased to say that have delivered exactly on their 99.9% uptime promise.
Check out this package:
1 Core
30GB Disk
400GB Bandwidth
linux vps
So far, everything has been absolutely amazing. Their VPS systems are fully managed and the help they provide is impeccable. 
Title: Re: In search of reliable VPS host in US - budget is $20/mo
Post by: Terners on April 05, 2016, 05:47:08 AM
I can say ( is offering high quality virtual server hosting solutions with 100% uptime, professional support and useful features for reasonable prices.
Title: Re: In search of reliable VPS host in US - budget is $20/mo
Post by: Cherisk on April 08, 2016, 06:04:54 AM
I hosted with for a year before moving to back to a dedicated server for all my sites.
They always made me aware of any works going on their clusters, i.e when they upgraded php and mysql.

DISCOUNT: Use 15% discount promo code FPROMOILP

Check their FB page:
Title: Re: In search of reliable VPS host in US - budget is $20/mo
Post by: Stampfer on April 11, 2016, 06:19:59 AM
  I know that with hosting from everything works smoothly. They are delivering reasonable deals with high stability of network and skilled support team.
  I heard they are offering free deleted domains, more info here

Title: Re: In search of reliable VPS host in US - budget is $20/mo
Post by: CenTex Hosting on April 12, 2016, 03:52:40 PM
You can give us a shot you wont be sorry.

We have some of the fastest VPS servers around. with 24/7 support you cant go wrong.

We also just posted an offer in the offer section for a 1GB KVM server for 40 bucks a year. Thats right heck of a deal. Limited space

Pure SSD VPS (
Title: Re: In search of reliable VPS host in US - budget is $20/mo
Post by: nanan on April 14, 2016, 12:26:27 AM
You can go with hostgator hosting they provide solid web hosting and even it's cheap.
Title: Re: In search of reliable VPS host in US - budget is $20/mo
Post by: RCXSO on April 14, 2016, 07:10:13 AM
IMHO, service will definitely help you if you need to find the best VPS host for your needs. Their service is totally free, so you will loose nothing.
You can also follow their twitter account:
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