Author Topic: Free VPS server by Cloudcom!  (Read 2402 times)


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Free VPS server by Cloudcom!
« on: June 08, 2015, 12:01:53 PM »
Now offering FREE VPS, this means you first can try vps server for a trial, and then after 7 days, can prolong it or it will be cancelled automatically. No card payment required!

Offering Low Cost VPS and also Cloud hosting in Europe.
Ideal datacenter location and individual customer service. This offer is unique because of the level and set of featured services.

VPS. Virtual servers in Europe (Switzerland).

See all of our Cheap VPS Servers:

All virtuals servers cost as low as 3$ per month!
Almost the same VPS server but 10 times faster.

Speed: This is where SSDs shine. An SSD-equipped PC will boot in seconds, certainly under a minute. A hard drive requires time to speed up to operating specs, and will continue to be slower than an SSD during normal use.
SSD Storage will provide you the best speed and effectivity of the virtual hosting. We use only the newest ssd storage technologies (SAN SSD) and servers based on Intel processors. Each virtual server is connected to 10 gbps port. Also we offer ddos protection with every VPS server for a small extra fee, depending on amount of cpu cores involved (per core).

VPS Server special:

2.4 Ghz Intel Xeon 1 core
512 MB ram
20 GB storage
1 TB bandwidth
10 GbE netowork
2.84 eur per month

Still not convinced? Try our VPS for free! :call-me:

Free Virtual Private Server. Free VPS Trial.

Test our VPS with DDoS Protection.

What is allowed on the free trial?

Please note that the free VPS server is intended for testing purposes only.
You are not allowed to use the VPS as proxy ddos protection service, or as any kind of business or money-making instrument. Any kind of resale, warez related content, Camfrog rooms, intense file transfer or sharing or any related activities are not allowed, including Cloudcom Terms of service.Cloudcom reserve a right to cancel any free server in case if suspected in activities preventing the free server service from functioning properly, meaning testing purposes only.Terms of Service Agreement
How long does the Free VPS run for?

Your free Virtual Private Server will be active for a week, then after that it will be automatically disconnected, unless you are willing to continue using the Cloud server and fund your account balance by a credit card, PayPal or 2CO.
What OS can I install??

You can install any OS you can think of. We have over 200 templates of different machines including but not limited to: CentOs, Debian, FreeBSD, RedHat Linux and many others.

All configurations starting from CLOUD-V2 include automated ddos protection for NO EXTRA COST!

Browse Cloud servers here:

What about DDoS protection and ddos attacks?

DDoS attacks dynamically evolve and grow against stability of whole clusters or even Data Centers in case of firewall failure and also dedicated servers. Losses encountered as a result of ddos attacks are shocking and not pleasant at all. Also the ddos attacks will lead to loss of customer base and possibly reputation and downtrend of overall business sales.

Check out the forum and see how hosting companies get downtimes due to DDoS attacks every day. So get the DDos Protection when you need it instantly with Cloudcom. DDoS Protected Cloudcom offer a serious DDoS Protection service to prevent all types of DDoS attacks . Our professionals will ensure 24/7 dedicated server monitoring and technical assistance as stated per SLA. DDoS Protection for the stable development of your business built on Virtual Servers provided by Cloudcom.

DDoS Protection can be initiated within seconds after the initial attack is made.

As DDoS Attacks are expanding in their growth rate and intensity of the damage caused, it is a wise decision to be ready in advance.
Get handy with good Anti-DDoS protection solution BEFORE you are attacked and save some time for real fun afterall.

Cloudcom DDoS Protected Hosting
Cheap VPS and VDS in Europe.