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Topics - GJRock

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General VPS Hosting Discussion / Forex hosted solution?
« on: July 15, 2024, 01:51:21 AM »
I have been looking for forex hosted solution. What is the best place for this?
I'm checking at
Are they good enough?

General VPS Hosting Discussion / DMCA-free streaming servers
« on: July 15, 2024, 01:32:13 AM »
I need DMCA-free streaming servers .
Is good for this?

General VPS Hosting Discussion / Looking for vps with secure SSL
« on: June 18, 2024, 04:32:15 AM »
hello everyone,
I have about 10 accounts..i need to migrate from a host who is being irresponsible in answering tickets and stuff.. Use very less space and bandwidth..
Probably space 30-50GB SSD max
Bandwidth 2000GB Max
Should be able to install own SSL
If someone can recommend me a good reliable host with decent support when needed...
Budget is $ 30usd monthly.
Do you know anything about web host? Are they reliable?
What host would you rather choose? Why?


Hi All, Having outgrown my existing host, I'm looking for the following.
Any recommendations would be appreciated:
Unmanaged VPS: 30GB SSD Storage, 4GB RAM, 2 vCPU, 3 IPv4 addresses
Hopefully looking to pay $20/month
Can I trust vps hosting? Any reviews, please?

General VPS Hosting Discussion / Wallet Corruption solution?
« on: May 20, 2024, 07:50:34 AM »
Guys, what are your views on Crypto asset retrieval service?
Would like to know other view points before making any order.
Any experts thought, please? Other solutions please?

Miscellaneous / Blockchain wallet recovery service?
« on: May 17, 2024, 05:50:35 AM »
Greetings to all members,
need your help. Are there any reliable crypto wallet recovery services available?
What can you also say about Blockchain wallet recovery solutions?
Can I trust them? Any feedbacks about their pricing, features?

General VPS Hosting Discussion / Video Site Dedicated Servers?
« on: January 22, 2024, 02:55:34 AM »
I'm setting up a new tube/video site and need dedicated server.
Which of the servers needs to be powerful?
Any info on server hosting solutions?
Reliable? Other options?

General VPS Hosting Discussion / Vps Hosting Solutions? Any Reviews Please?
« on: September 25, 2023, 05:13:29 AM »
Can someone describe their VPS hosting signup methodology. I'm opposed to fully automating the process. I'm too the point, we want to take orders, but worry about the spammers using resources before a follow verification check can be done. We feel our network, redundancy and planning are solid - it's the next "step" to get orders. Suggestions?
Do you know anything about and also vps hosting solutions? Any reviews please?
Other options?

General VPS Hosting Discussion / Looking For Germany VPS
« on: August 01, 2023, 02:48:43 AM »
Hello guys
I'm looking for a VPS provider on a German node that is using Windows Server for a Good Price I can go Up to $4/month
Thinking to try VPS hosting. Does anyone know where I can find reviews about it?

Thanks in advance

Miscellaneous / Is PNG better quality than JPEG?
« on: February 06, 2023, 05:19:21 AM »
Hey guys,
decided to find the best place to submit and also download PNG images.
Is PNG better quality than JPEG? What are your view points in the best one?
Came across - are they trustworthy?
Any other reliable options? How do I make a PNG better quality?

General VPS Hosting Discussion / Hosting for ecommerce and high sql queries
« on: December 08, 2022, 05:58:54 AM »
Let me explain my issue.
I need to run a e-commerce site and run more than 1 lack query per hour for few days till I need to insert the products via a API/web scraping.
My current hosting has a limit of 45000 queries per hour, which is very less. Can someone suggest a budget hosting for same?
What are your views on hosting solutions? Are they trustworthy?


General VPS Hosting Discussion / I'm looking for Italy VPS
« on: December 08, 2022, 05:45:31 AM »
I'm looking for Italy VPS with ddos protection.
I only need basic protection of 1gbit, a 2 core CPU and 2GB of RAM and at least 20GB of Space, I have a budget of 30 EUR a month.
Have seen offered low-cost Italy VPS solutions?
Any comments on their reliability and speed?
Alternatives for comparison?

General VPS Hosting Discussion / Looking for FFmpeg server hosting
« on: October 12, 2022, 01:41:22 AM »
I need a FFmpeg server hosting plan in the USA.
Need Huge traffic but it will be good if they have good Hardware.
What are your views on server hosting? Can I trust them?
Please suggests.


General VPS Hosting Discussion / Need host suggestions
« on: October 12, 2022, 01:32:43 AM »
Hey guys,
I am really trying to avoid going with a major web host that throws money into advertising with false review sites and such.
But I literally cannot find any legit site that shows trustworthy reviews.
I'm looking for a shared hosting service for a friend. Requirements: 40 gigs of space, GOOD uptime, easy to use control panel, great support.
What can you say about VPS hosting solutions? Can I trust them or will you recommend me any alternative for comparison?


General VPS Hosting Discussion / Reliable webhost with Ruby on Rails?
« on: October 12, 2022, 01:13:42 AM »
Hi Guys,
Can anybody recommend a reliable webhost who supports Ruby on Rails.
US location is essential (for the server but not essential for the company).
Should be able to offer SSL support and unique ip.
Don't need unlimited space or domains, but at least 30-50 Gbs of space and hosting 5-7 domains should be available.
For rails support I like to use jRuby and Torquebox, but Passenger, and at least ruby 2.1 is ok too.
Daily backups of files and DB should be available.
The monthly budget would be around $30-40 (less is of course welcome).
I am interested in VPS or Dedicated offers now.
What are your views on web host? Any reviews? Alternatives?

Best Wishes

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